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Owen Bischoff, Icon's artist of the month, had work accepted in Governor's Show

Owen Bischoff, a Bluffton High School senior, is the Bluffton Icon's high school artist of the month.

The sculpture Owen holds was accepted into the Ohio Governor Show. From the 11,500 regional entries from the 15 regions, approximately 2,500 are selected to enter the state judging. State jurors then select 300 for the actual exhibition.

Owen has taken Ceramics 1 and intends to go  to college for mechanical engineering, according to Vickie Garmon, BHS art teacher.

"I originally didn't know what to do so I thought of old games I use to play. The first one that came to mind was Pacman. So that's what kind of powered my project. I enjoy doing things with my hands and making things," he said about his sculpture.

