University academic dean, Dr. Sally Weaver Sommer, retirement announced

Bluffton University will honor the retirement of Dr. Sally Weaver Sommer, vice president and dean of academic affairs, on Saturday, May 6 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in the Reading Room of Musselman Library.
Weaver Sommer ’74 has been active in various roles at Bluffton for the past 30 years. In 1982, she returned to campus as a lecturer in economics.

In 1999, she accepted an invitation to switch from a faculty position to an administrative assignment. Weaver Sommer has served Bluffton as the registrar, associate academic dean and as interim academic dean multiple times.
She accepted her current position in July 2007.
“Sally is known for her approachability, openness, candor and enthusiastic optimism,” said James Harder, president of Bluffton University. “Her demonstrated care for the individual is paired with a commitment to group process and mutual discernment and understanding.”
The reception will be held in conjunction with other May Day events.