BFR women's tennis tourney reschduled

Due to the closure of East College Avenue's because of gas line work, the Bluffton Family Recreation women's tennis tournament scheduled for Saturday, June 17, will be moved to a later date. That date is not yet set.

The tournament will take place in Bluffton at the Howe Tennis Courts on East College Avenue, across from Harmon Field.

The tournament has the following divisions:
• High School - doubles division: Championship and B (pro set)
• High School - singles division: A and B
• Adult – doubles division: Championship (combined age must be 70)

Entry fee is $25 for first entry and $15 for second.

To register, contact Bluffton Family Recreation, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton, Ohio 45817 or call 419-358-4150.

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