Tickets on sale for Ebenezer Drama Ensemble dinner theatre

Tickets are now on sale for the Ebenezer Drama Ensemble production of  "The Service at Rocky Bluff," a two-act musical comedy.

Performances are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 4-5-6, at Crossroads Ministry Center, 8905 Columbus Grove Road.

In a dinner theatre format, tickets are $10 and include dinner beginning at 6 p.m. and the show at 7 p.m.

The proceeds will be donated to our Small Town Super Hero: Owen Weaver.

The Ebenezer Drama Ensemble has been presenting its biennial dinner theatre since 2001. The cast includes: Kara Zink, Mary Glick, Sarah Lehman, Sam Brauen, Shawn Stevens and Kevin Gratz. Band members are Janie Wireman, Roger Rhodes, Raymond Harner and Dave Brauen.

Here's the plot of the drama:

Amy Westmond and her husband Floyd, along with his brother and father who comprise a country music group, return to Amy’s home church. They reminisce and catch up on the gossip with Marie, the church’s housekeeper, and Betty, the choir director, who inspired Amy earlier but now seems to have somewhat of an attitude.

The Westmonds are told that a search committee will be there for the evening hymn-sing to try to lure the church’s beloved pastor away. With the unseen organist who communicates through charades, they form a plan—a fake pastor and fake service!. Lloyd will do his comic preacher routine and Floyd will be his minister of education.

The two “ministers” have an abundance of bad jokes, and there’s plenty of comical choreography when they all sing. The fake service seems to be working, but when Betty brings out her puppet, Bobby Socks the Bible Book Worm, there are unexpected and heartfelt consequences.

A genuinely funny and tender play with plenty of familiar songs, like Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, The Unclouded Day, Since Jesus Came into My Heart, A Wonderful time Up There, I’ll Fly Away and many more.