Meet the candidates on Friday morning

Bluffton chamber members will "meet the candidates" during its Friday, Oct. 13, breakfast, according to Phil Zimmerly of the chamber.

Ten candidates seek four spots on Bluffton council and five candidates seek four spots on Bluffton school board.

Council candidates are: Sean Burrell, Jerry Cupples, Mitch Kingsley, Ralph Miller, Tony Pinks, Benjamin Stahl, David Steiner, Phill Talavinia, Roger Warren and Deb Weihrauch.

School board candidates are: Brad Fruchey, Deb Herr, Wesley Klinger, Ken Lugibihl and Jeremy Scoles.

The meeting, in the third floor of the town hall, includes a free breakfast from 7 to 7:30 a.m. and a meeting at 7:30 a.m.

Bluffton Hospital sponsors the breakfast, provided by The Dough Hook.