10 candidates seek 4 spots on Bluffton council
Village of Bluffton voters will choose four of 10 candidates on the Nov. 7 ballot. Those elected have four-year terms beginning Jan. 1, 2018. Four incumbents are Sean Burrell, Ralph Miller, Phill Talavania and Roger Warren.
Also seeking seats are Jerry Cupples, Tony Pinks, Mitch Kingsley, David Steiner Benjamin Stahl and Deborah Weihrauch.
Nine of the candidates responded to the Icon's interview request. The Icon asked each candidate the same questions and their unedited responses follow in alphabetical order. In addition, each candidate’s answers may be found in a separate story also on the Icon. Their answers are found on the right column of the home page.
A council candidate forum is at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 24, in the town hall.
• Sean Burrell, 105 Magnolia Lane
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I am seeking reelection because I enjoy it and think I bring a no nonsense viewpoint to the issues.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
EPA legislation, and continuing village infrastructure needs.
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
It is resolved from council perspective.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
Isolated incidents.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
There have been many large and small projects accomplished over the last four years that appeared at least on the surface to have been ignored by prior councils.
Are there issues you’ve changed your mind on after voting the way you did on a particular issue?
How do you make your voting decisions as a council member?
I look at all the information available to me and try to make the best decision for Bluffton as a whole.
• Jerry Cupples, 122 Richland Drive
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I am seeking a seat on Village Council because I am concerned with current direction of the Village. I served five terms on Council and two years as an employee. I know and love Bluffton, if elected, my goal is to return Bluffton to the residents, putting their best interests first. My first order of business would be to push to eliminate the unfair water and sewer surcharge.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
The next four years are critical for Bluffton, The budget must be maintained and spending reduced. This will require cooperation from the entire council as well as the administration. We receive more than $2 million from the income tax annually and if we are conservative, we can operate the Village and continue providing the services we need. The Councils I served on in the past knew the difference between a want and a need and we need to return to that mindset. I will be accountable to the residents, rate payers, and tax payers.
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
If I was to grade the current council, I would give them a C-. They approved moving three part time jobs to full time and then added a $19.50 surcharge to the water and sewer bills. They allowed unfair treatment of the former Village administrator and the fiscal officer. In her resignation letter she cited a “hostile and disrespectful” environment. Council reacted with a lack of knowledge or concern over her leaving. They also allowed the Mayor to become interim administrator, which created a conflict of interest. The Ohio Revised Code is very clear on the duties of a Mayor.
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
I watched the Shannon Cemetery issue for four years with amazement. I saw a real contempt for the “Friends of the Shannon Cemetery” from the Mayor and one Council member. In fact, you can still watch an embarrassing moment on YouTube. This issue has taken too long and sucked energy away from the real business of the Village as well as tarnished our good name. I would resolve this issue by putting all the graves back where they belong. Earlier this year, The Bluffton American Legion sent a letter to the Village demanding that the three Veterans gravestones be returned so that we can continue to honor them each year.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
The firing of the administrator and resignation of the fiscal officer may have been isolated incidents; however, it uncovers a deeper concern. The fact remains that two experienced employees were treated unfairly and are gone. They took a wealth of knowledge with them which creates problems going forward.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
“The candidate did not provide a response to this question."
Are there issues that you disagree with that the current council passed?
“The candidate did not provide a response to this question."
How would you make your voting decisions as a council member?
My decision making process involves weighing both sides and how each side effects the residents and tax payers. I will oppose any issue that provides a service to some of the Village for free, while other residents have to pay for that service. I want an even playing field for all.
• Mitchell Kingsley, 313 Campus Drive
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I have 14 years of experience on council and quite a bit of experience on non-profit boards. I believe I can serve the community of Bluffton with a focus on collaboration and encouragement.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
Re-building staff-administration relations; developing lines of communication between village government and residents; creating space for commerce and for adding homes; completing water line replacements.
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
Go back to the time when council agreed with cemetery advocates to follow a stated strategy; see if current council is willing to follow that strategy; assign responsibility and dates for steps to be performed.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
There is a communication problem in Town Hall.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
Village documents and materials could be more accessible to residents. This can be done through the Village website by assigning tasks with completion target dates.
Are there issues that you disagree with that the current council passed?
There is a better way to structure water rates so Bluffton residents pay an amount closer to the actual costs of the water – and not the highest rates in the area.
How would you make your voting decisions as a council member?
First, collect information and get acquainted with the people involved; then evaluate, plan and develop steps forward with council, then vote.
• Ralph Miller, 126 N. Jackson Street
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I want to continue to move Bluffton forward in the right direction. Not being a Bluffton native I approach each situation with an open mind and an unbiased opinion.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
The growing drug problem, the water contract with Ottawa, and the replacement of some water lines.
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
I would leave it like it is, and add a nice monument with the names of the deceased.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
There must be a problem but I have no further comment right now.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
With some positions I have previously held I was very good at problem solving and negotiating.
Are there issues that you disagree with that the current council passed?
Yes, there are, but no one is perfect – only God!
How would you make your voting decisions as a council member?
I base my decisions on what I think is best for Bluffton, not what I think is best. I try to keep an open mind.
• Tony Pinks, 138 Riley Street
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
To help restore the image of the town government. If you vote for me, I promise to work for the tax payers – not against them
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
The outrageous water charges. I feel we are putting a huge burden on a majority of our taxpayers.
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
I would give them a C, they aren’t failing, but could use some improvements.
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
The Shannon Cemetery does not affect me in any way. But I will say that we should at least memorialize it for the good of the bodies that were buried there.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
I don’t think one bit that these were isolated incidents. There may be serious problems with some individual egos within our government. It needs corrected immediately.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
I just feel our Council needs to get along and vote for what’s best for our great community and not be swayed one way or the other because of the votes in the seats of Council.
Are there issues that you disagree with that the current council passed?
“The candidate did not provide a response to this question."
How would you make your voting decisions as a council member?
“The candidate did not provide a response to this question."
• Benjamin Stahl, 414 S. Main Street
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I am seeking a seat on council because I think there needs to be more two-way communication between Bluffton residents and local government. In the last year, I’ve seen cases of council members showing open disdain for their constituents and of residents not being aware of what is discussed in council meetings. I know that I can help bridge that gap and hope people will vote for me to serve as their champion in town hall.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
To me, the biggest issue is a stagnation of ideas. Looking into the history of Bluffton, it has always been a pioneer: early to get electric street lights, pushing for Fair Trade business practices before many people even knew what that meant, and now working to be one of the best multi-use path destinations in the state. I don’t want Bluffton to stop moving forward out of a fear of losing what we’ve already accomplished. In the spirit of continuous improvement, I hope to use my time on council to investigate and push towards investment in solar energy, increased internet speed, and modernized record keeping and storage. Now is not the time to rest on our laurels or to start being afraid of new frontiers.
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D, or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
As a whole, I would give the current council a low “satisfactory” rating of C, C- if we’re allowing half-steps. While I have definitely been in committee meetings that were easily “good”, if not “excellent” – where council members were focused on problem resolution, the betterment of Bluffton, and understanding the concerns or feelings of impacted residents – I have also been in several committee meetings and open council sessions that can only be described as “unacceptable.” I hope I can help shift the balance towards more of the former and eliminate the latter entirely.
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
The initial contention and resolution occurred before I moved to Bluffton but, from what I have learned, there is legislation on the books that seemed to appease both sides when it was drafted and passed. Unless something has changed since then, local government needs to abide by that resolution and move forward with it, whatever that might entail.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in town hall or were these isolated incidents?
I firmly do not believe that these were isolated incidents. In my opinion, we could draw a causal relationship from the firing of the administrator to the creation of the conditions that the fiscal officer described as intolerable in her resignation. When the village sets the precedent that it can and will fire any employee – without notice, without cause – it creates a weight to hang around the necks of all the other employees. The recent executive sessions regarding “Personnel - Changes” had a large turnout of village employees wondering if it was their job on the chopping block this time. It’s not a surprise to hear the working environment described as toxic; village employees are definitely communicating but it seems village leadership is unwilling to listen.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters.
Communication, communication, communication. As a candidate, I have been receiving and publishing the agenda for council meetings and trying to keep people aware of what’s going on in town hall. I participated in Sunshine Week this spring to raise awareness of Ohio’s “Sunshine Laws” that deal with what government records need to be available to the public and requirements for public communication between government employees. I promise to continue those efforts, whether or not I’m elected, and push for a reduction of legislation passed “by emergency,” which oftentimes limits the ability for the public to be informed about a particular issue or have the time to voice an opinion.
Are there issues that you disagree with that the current council passed?
I have only been in town for just over a year but, in that time, there have definitely been issues with which I’ve disagreed with the current council. I disagreed with their decision to fill in the pond at Village Park without any engineering work to see what impact it would have on the surrounding area and I vehemently disagree with Councilman Warren’s assertion that we should have just done it without any clearance or sign-off from the EPA.
I disagreed with the firing of former village administrator Jamie Mehaffie, both in the outcome and in how it was handled. Firing a long-time village employee without any warning for, ostensibly, job performance without being able to provide any performance reviews is asinine. I understand village employees serve at the pleasure of the mayor but, without some form of justification, such a rash decision makes the council look petty and spiteful.
The council eventually came around but I disagreed with the reluctance to approve the bike route through downtown merely because the recommendation was brought to council by ODOT. Alternative transportation, like alternative energy, is the future and we should embrace it for the good of the village and the residents; resisting a wonderful opportunity for our village because of a grudge from actions almost a decade ago benefits no one.
How would you make your voting decisions as a council member?
As a candidate, I have been extremely fortunate to be able to participate in discussions with residents, whether through Facebook, email, or in person. It is my sincere hope that, as a council member, I’ll be able to continue and grow these conversations so that I never lose the pulse of the community. If elected, I will be one of the six to cast a vote for or against legislation but I’ll never forget that I am there as a conduit for the will of the people.
• David Steiner, 409 S. Main Street
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
Having served as Clerk-Treasurer, Fiscal Officer and as a member of Village Council I have institutional knowledge from those experiences. In the past year the Village Administrator was terminated, the Fiscal Officer resigned and the Police Chief retired in September, 2016. I have always served the Village citizens with their interests in mind and want to continue serving.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
I believe the Village Employees need the support of the elected officials to re-build morale. The Fiscal Officer’s resignation letter was very revealing, since it is a public document I have obtained a full copy. I worked closely with our former fiscal officer while in office and have a great respect for her judgement and character. In her resignation letter she states “The hostile work environment that has been created is intolerable, and I cannot in any good conscience be complicit with practices that I believe disserve our community.”
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
Council passed Resolution 5-16 that details how to proceed.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
Before the current Council and Mayor there were more frequent meetings with the administration and their opinions were valued. We need to make administrative staff more involved in decision making.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
There are far too many executive sessions, the “Ohio Sunshine Laws 2017” Publication available at the Auditor of State’s website, authored by the Attorney General lists limited permissible reasons to go into executive session.
I do not think enough research was put into the water-surcharge. This has given the median water user the highest water rates in the area. Council needs to restructure the water rates.
Nearly a year ago Council repealed the pay ordinance. So far they have passed a Police pay ordinance and made it effective January 1, 2018 but have not addressed the other employees. In my years of experience I have never seen the Village operate without a pay ordinance to give authority to personnel matters.
Are there issues that you disagree with that the current council passed?
After announcing that there would be no action after an executive session Council voted to Fire the Village Administrator with no public in attendance.
Voting to fill in the Village Park pond without first doing research to know if there would be EPA regulatory problems.
How would you make your voting decisions as a council member?
By using my past experience, making sure proper research is done and being open to citizen input. My institutional knowledge of the past will be an asset.
• Phil Talavinia, 311 Jared Circle
Why are you seeking a seat on the council and why should someone vote for you?
I learned years ago that it is important to be involved and give back to the community that you live in, and being a part of Council is a good way to do this. I will continue to ask questions and respond in the ways that I (with input from the community) believe will serve the best interest of the Village of Bluffton going forward.
What are the major issues facing Bluffton in the next 4 years?
Here are four areas that could be addressed or in the conversation going forward. •Infrastructure, •Village Records, •Zoning Code and Land use plan, •Economic Development (attraction and retention).
If you were to grade the current council based upon an A, B, C, D or F grading system, what grade would you give it?
“The candidate did not provide a response to this question."
How should the village resolve the Shannon Cemetery issue?
The resolution that was agreed upon by the members of the appointed commission and the Save Shannon Cemetery group and approved by Council needs to be followed accordingly.
Within the past 12 months the village administrator was fired and the village fiscal officer resigned. Is there a communication problem in the town hall, or were these isolated incidents?
The administrator leaving was an unfortunate situation. I thank him for his time with the village and all that has been accomplished during that time and being a part of a vibrant community. I voted against his termination due to a lack of process. I also believe that there is always room for communication improvement amongst Councill, the Mayor and Village staff. I also realize that we need to stop losing employees that have knowledge and history of the village.
Feel free to address any other subject here that you’d like to provide to voters:
Communication and process continue to be something that I bring to the attention of the Mayor and Council. I want to see job descriptions updated (especially when hiring new employees) and performance reviews done on an annual basis. This would allow four to address areas that are not being down sufficiently.
Are there issues you’ve changed your mind on after voting the way you did on a particular issue?
There is always going to be new or different information presented or ways to get at the same endpoint that might give reason to change the way I voted on particular issues.
How do you make your voting decisions as a council member?
I read and listen to information presented at committee meetings and at full Council meetings. I then do my own research on the particular subject along with reaching out to those that have more experience/expertise in those areas that are being discussed. It is also important to talk with community members to gain their insights and input before casting a vote.
• Roger Warren, 499 Cherry Street
Note: Mr. Warren provided the following information rather than answering the candidate questionnaire.
Having served on the Village Town Council over the last four years, I want to offer an alternate perspective to the recent letter posted by the Bluffton icon, and to help citizens better understand the actions of our current Council so they can make a clear, informed choice this November.
Our current Council has indeed made some changes on issues including water rates, personnel, etc. As a Council, we've sought to be fiscally responsible and thoughtfully progressive. Our right leaning and left leaning council members have worked together and generally agreed on the following decisions that have directly or indirectly led to the following improvements:
Water rates: The regional water contract between Ottawa and Bluffton placed a heavy burden on the city - as we were subsidizing $200,000 annually from the general fund. The financial burden kept the city from being able to address other necessary projects. Council's decision to enact a surcharge on water and sewer rates wasn't an easy one, but it was the right thing to do, as it put the town in a financial position to address street paving projects, get a new heater for the pool, build a shaded community area by the pool, add to our bike paths, water tower maintenance, west side sewer project and updating our sewer treatment plant, etc. We've taken action on all those improvements.
Personal changes: Bluffton is a great town, and it deserves great employees. Our previous Village Administrator was simply not handling the job in a way Council or the Mayor expected, and was terminated only after given the opportunity to improve. Our previous Fiscal Officer did not produce reports our Mayor had been asking for, and chose to resign. Our former police chief wanted a "retire/rehire" deal that was simply cost prohibitive for our town (and tax payers); upon an offer Council felt was fair to both him and Bluffton, he chose to retire. In addition, we have increased the oversight and accountability for our village employees. This doesn't always make us (or me) the most popular, but we feel it's a privilege to work for Bluffton, and we expect a consistent high level of production and performance from all village employees.
Our decisions aren't taken lightly or made quickly; we've done our best to make choices that are good for our town – now, 5 years from now, and 20 years from now.
Our vision includes a new fire station, advancement of the State Route 103 corridor, along with other projects that enhance the town. The goal is to achieve these things while remaining financially healthy, which can only happen with the right people on town Council properly managing the town’s resources and personnel.
I hope our current Council is able to continue building on the progress we've made. Regardless what happens in November, I am proud to have served the town and worked with this group for the benefit of Bluffton.
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