2017 fire runs slightly higher than 2016

Note: A monthly chart is attached at the bottom of this story covering 2016 and 2017.

Bluffton Fire Department’s 2017 runs were very similar to 2016, according to Jon Kinn, fire chief.

The department reported 109 runs in 2017 and 101 in 2016. Kinn told Bluffton council that the department’s response to 27 accidents in 2017 was higher than normal. The 2016 accident response was 19.

The highest month for calls was February with 12.

A summary of type of calls follow:
30    Alarms
3      Co-investigations
27    Accidents
3      Vehicle fires
1      Open burning fire
11     Non-structure fires (dumpsters, equipment fire inside structures, grass fires
8       Mutual aid given (for structure fires and/or accidents)
3       Structure fires
23     Miscellaneous/good intent (service calls, lines down, weather watches,    investigations, dispatched with no incident found)