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Too cold to exercise outside?

Don’t let that be an excuse to not get up and get moving inside!

By Christine Schroeder, MOT, OTR/L
Too cold to exercise outside? Don’t let that be an excuse to not get up and get moving inside!

It’s hard to stay motivated when it’s cold outside and you haven’t seen the sun for few days. Believe me – I know!  I’m not afraid to say that I’m a sucker for a good movie, my snuggly blanket and comfy couch on those cold winter nights.

Although there is nothing wrong in and of itself of those things (we all need a little downtime from time to time), I also realize balance is important. I tell myself that my snuggly blanket will be my reward AFTER I have completed my indoor workout. ;-)

Indoor exercise doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. Often times it’s the simplest movements that challenge us the most. Ever try to hold a canned good, with your arm outstretched in front of you, for 1 minute?

That can of soup all of sudden starts to feel like it weighs 10 pounds and that minute…. Well, it might as well feel like eternity!

But, DON’T get discouraged! It is also in those very simple movements that we find our strength! So, when it’s cold outside, make your daily house-work, a work-out! Try doing 10 bicep curls with that can of soup. Or do 10 lunges across the living room in between sweeping the floors. Use what you have to keep your fitness goals on track until the sun decides to show its face (and its warmth) again.

Click below to read more about how to get up and get moving indoors when the temperature drops outdoors:

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman

As always, feel free to give us a call anytime to set up your free 15 minute consultation to learn more about how to become the healthier you!

CLICK HERE for Christine's previous column.

Healthe Habits for Living
Ellerbrock Spine and Soft Tissue
120 N Main St. Suite A
Bluffton, OH 45817
Phone: 419-358-2222    


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