Mennonite Home hosts consignment auction

New to the Fall Festival this year is a consignment auction held at Mennonite Memorial Home, 410 W. Elm St. Bluffton.

The auction will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25.

If you have things you would like to sell in an auction like, nicely used furniture, antiques, electronics, call Julie Stratton at 419-369-4715.

It will cost $2 to enter each item to sell. Persons may put the item in with a minimum bid so that the bidding is guaranteed to start at that price.

"If your item sells you then donated back a minimum of 20% of the selling price to MMH as a fee and take home the rest. If you need to clear out a few items, but don't have enough for that garage sale, this is what you are looking for," said Stratton.

To have items included in the advetising of the event be sure to call this week. Items already listed includde: sofa, TV, digital cameras, washer and dryer, gas stove, organ, dresser, Hoosier cupboard, Longaberger baskets, antique bed frame, quilts and more.

The last day to accept items is Wednesday, Sept. 22.

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