It's Lucas Cherry and this Facebook post is approaching 3,000 reaches

The Icon announces a new Facebook record.

We promised him 750 Facebook reaches within 48 hours. The total as of 9:43 a.m. June 21 is 2,696. It's still growing.

The Icon spotted Bluffton High School 1999 graduate Lucas Cherry downtown Bluffton during the Shirley's Popcorn birthday party. Snapped this photo and then challenged Icon viewers to ID this guy and offer a comment or two.

We promised some Shannon Theatre passes to what we judged as the best comments.

First,  a question. Can someone explain the Edgar Fabian reference?

Second, a further explanation is required of his record-setting holding the basketball for over 2 minutes - the older this story gets, the longer he holds the ball - during a BHS vs. Liberty Benton basketball game. We await the official version from Rick Shaner, his coach for the story here.

In the meantime, here are all the comments from Facebook and via email on our photo.

First place comment goes to Kyle Lowry and The Icon has six Shannon Theatre passes for Kyle:
Lucas. Drove a red escort with a rainbow Pom Pom hanging from the antenna. Drove for pretty good layups or dish offs to Matt Pearch for an assist.
- Written by Kyle Lowry

Honorable mention goes to Joshua Augsburger and The Icon has two Shannon Theatre passes for Joshua:
Lucas Cherry - master of wearing shorts in the winter
- Written by Joshua J. Augsburger

Here are the rest of the thundering herd of comments. These are from Facebook with the writer's name above the comment.

Shiloh Hughes
Lucas cherry very sweet guy

Emily M Ulrey
Lucas Cherry! Graduated with him...very nice guy :)

Mark Delisle
Lucas cherry

David Glick
Lucas Cherry

Ron Koontz
Lucas cherry went to same church

Joleen Youngpeter
Lucas Cherry. Graduated in 1999.

Jackie Frey Lucas Cherry....has a great smile.

Everett Wehrly
Lucas Cherry 99

Jeffrey Jaime Combs
Lucas Cherry. Class of 1999. Went to church and HS with him.

Kim Fritsch
Edgar Fabian if we're being specific. And he's not Arabian.

Joanna Gratz
Lucas Cherry! We were in 4-H together.

Mike Hight
Lucas Cherry

Chris High
Luke Cherry. Was my neighbor wayyyy out in the country for years. I played some bball with him....he always beat me. Lol

Heidi Steiner
Lucas Cherry... THE best Taylor University football player that came out of Bluffton!

Kara Gratz Zink
Lucas Cherry...”The Man is not Arabian, his name is Edgar Fabian” is how the song goes...

Douglas Sumo Brumfield
Hey Dustin and Amy, class of 99 spotting. Lol.

Tiffany Ziessler Gleason
Lucas Cherry...stood at half court and held the basketball for several minutes vs LB and Bluffton won! And if you knew Lucas, standing still that long was a hard job! Lol

Julie Motter
That's my big brother, Lucas Cherry. He is an awesome brother, fantastic husband, and wonderful Dad!

Benjamin Nelson Luginbuhl
Lucas Cherry!!

Kathy Dan Stark
Lucas Cherry

Bill Adams
Luke Cherry. My nephew. Lives in California now. Has a nice family.

Sasha Kay

Beth R. Boehr
I will also never forget when Lucas Cherry held the ball for an eternity in the HS b-ball game vs LB!!!

Jane Richards
Lucas Cherry!

Dave Stratton
Lucas Cherry.

Patsy Arthur
Lucas Cherry! Great guy that lives in California. His wife is having twins.

John Marshall
He was the first high schooler who made a positive, good attitude and happy guy...he had my respect in the first meeting.

Jane Shaw
LUCAS CHERRY! Great kid!

Ben McCullough
He's mean, he's scary, his name is ...

Jane Diller Gladwell
Lucas Cherry...I remember when he called me “Mrs. Gladwell”; I think I aged 20 years!! Love this kid!

Lynda Hursey Best
Very nice person played basketball

Autumn Joy Boltz
My big brother Lucas Cherry! Loves the Lord with all his heart and would give you the shirt off his back!

Rebecca Luginbill
Lucas Cherry.  His family moved down the road from us in Pandora.

Josh Unterbrink
Edgar Fabian

Jamie Nygaard
Awe! The Myth. The Man. The Legend! Lucas Cherry! He and my bro were friends and graduated from BHS in 1999. I recall him coming over to our house in HS and borrowed golf carts from the golf course when he wasn’t golfing.

Naomi Holloway Miller
Lucas Cherry

Email responses

• The picture is Lucas Cherry! I'll never forget him holding that basketball forever in one of the high school games under Rick Shaner! He was also a great student helper in the elementary school.
- Jenny Roby

•  Lucas (Luke) Cherry.
Our families go WAY back, often getting together as we grew up.  My brother and I would trade basketball cards with this guy and his brother Casey, till wee hours of the morning, usually followed by a game of 2-on-2 in Elvet Foulkes barn up the road.  One of our most shared memories is the "Pile on Rob" experience at his Uncle Tom Cherry's house; during and after the 2001 OSU National Championship football game we all watched together. You'll have to ask him about the details.
- Matt Amstutz

• The picture is of Lucas Cherry. Lucas played for me when I was the head boys' basketball coach at Bluffton High School. As Jenny Roby stated in an earlier post, Lucas held the ball on his hip during a basketball game with Liberty Benton in the BHS gym. And the amazing thing was that Lucas had great difficulty just standing still and not traveling.
- Rick Shaner

• This is Lucas Cherry. BHS ‘99. He was kind and polite and funny, but also able to get into mischief from time to time. He remains proud of being the only hispanic kid in his class (Ecuadorian).
- Elizabeth Kelly

• My big brother. We are 11months and 13 days apart. I had curly blond hair and he had jet black. Mom use to call us salt and pepper.
- Julie Motter

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