West Elm Street project update

Some street closing changes were modified this week  involving the West Elm Street project underway by Hohenbrink Excavating.

Originally it was announced that the street would be open to thru traffic in the evening. That is not the case. West Elm Street will be completely closed in the evenings.

The Project will be broken into two phases for the street removal work:
• Phase 1 - Bentley Road to Diller Road
• Phase 2 - Diller Road to Spring Street

Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator, told the Icon that during this process the contractor will work with home owners to maintain access to their homes.

This access will be from one direction or the other and may change throughout the day. There will be a void in the road and thru access will not be available.

This void will move with the project as old road comes out and new base is installed. Home owners will drive on a stone road until all removal is completed and the new asphalt installed.