Memorial Day parade, observance on May 27

Bluffton's Memorial Day parade is Monday, May 27.

The parade forms at 9:15 a.m at the town hall and starts at 9:30 a.m. Terry L. Marshall, Blufton High School graduate, is the speaker for the Memorial Day ceremony held at the Memorial Circle at Maple Grove Cemetary following the parade.

The Bluffton American Legion Post will hold a chicken barbecue at the Citizens National Bank parking lot from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets are $8.50 each.

The post will also hol its 10th annual charitable golf scramble on Saturday, June 1, at Bluffton Golf Course. Last year the legion supported 16 different non-profit organizations, providing over $8,500 thanks to the funds from the golf outing,