Peanut brittle season is here

Peanut brittle season is here…soon.

Members of the Bluffton Senior Citizens Association will start creating this season’s batch of Bluffton’s favorite holiday candy at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 4, at the Senior Center, according to Tonya Meyer, director.

“Each Monday in November we create nearly 150 pounds of peanut brittle,” said Meyer. “It takes many volunteers to make this happen. We always invite new volunteers to join us.”

Meyer said that the division of work is simple: men stir and women knead and spread the candy on cooling sheets.

After the candy cools it is broken into small pieces, bagged and weighed. The first batch of peanut brittle will be available at the Center, 132 N. Main St., on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

This year's price is the same last year's, which is $5 a pound. Later in the season the Center will offer black walnut brittle. Watch the Icon for the date and price.

During November through Christmas, the Center will be open on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon for holiday shoppers.

Several additional Center announcements are part of the November Center newsletter attached at the bottom of this story.

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