"Ashes to Go" launches Bluffton's Lent observance

On the morning of Ash Wednesday, Feb. 26, a group of Bluffton area pastors will offer “Ashes to Go,” a new approach to a centuries-old Christian tradition. 

Ashes to Go is offered from  7 to 9 a.m. downtown Bluffton at the corner of Main and Cherry streets. 

Pedestrians, as well as drivers and passengers of vehicles who pull over, are invited to participate. 

This is the second year Ashes to Go takes place in Bluffton. This outreach is part of a nationwide movement that has clergy and lay people visiting transit stops, street corners, coffee shops, and college campuses to mark the foreheads of interested passers-by with ashes and invite them to repent of past wrongdoing and seek forgiveness and renewal. 

Bluffton Area Ministerial Association is also communicating with chaplains at Bluffton Hospital and Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio to ensure that their residents, hospital patients and staff have opportunities to receive ashes during the day.

Questions may be directed to the Rev. Karol Farris Schilling, pastor of Bluffton Presbyterian Church, 419-358-5806. More information about the Ashes to Go movement can be found at ashestogo.org.

The following area congregations provided Ash Wednesday service times to the Icon.

Bluffton Presbyterian
Service is combined with St. John's and Emmanuel UCC and includes communion and imposition of ashes.
7 p.m. – at Emmanuel UCC

Emmanuel UCC
Service is combined with St. John’s UCC and Bluffton Presbyterian
7 p.m. – communion and imposition of ashes

English Lutheran
7 p.m. – communion and imposition of ashes

First Mennonite
8 p.m. – prayer service and ash distribution

First United Methodist
7 p.m. - service

St. John’s UCC service
Service is combined with St. John’s UCC and Bluffton Presbyterian
7 p.m. – communion and imposition of ashes

St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Noon – ash distribution
6:30 p.m. – stations of the cross
7 p.m. – Mass with ash distribution

Trinity Lutheran, Jenera
7 p.m. - service

Christian season of Lent
In the Christian tradition, Ash Wednesday marks the start of the holy season of Lent, a time for reflection and repentance in preparation for the celebration of Easter.  

For centuries, Christians have received a cross of ashes on the forehead at the beginning of Lent as a reminder of the frailty and uncertainty of human life and as an invitation to penitence.

Ashes to Go, a concept first organized in 2007, provides the opportunity to participate in that tradition for those who may be unable to attend an Ash Wednesday worship service, have lost their connection to a church, or have never acknowledged the occasion before.

There is much more to the beginning of Lent than ashes alone, and those who participate are encouraged to make time for worship with a community of faith, for support from others and from the great traditions of faith in our work of repentance and renewal.

Lent leads into Palm Sunday, April 5, and Holy Week, April 5 to 11. Maundy Thursday, commemorating foot washing and the last Supper of Jesus with the apostles is April 9. On April 10 is Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus. Easter Sunday is April 12, and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.

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