Council "Zooms" through Monday's meeting

• Council packet attached at the bottom 
• Watch a video of a part of the meeting

Bluffton council Zoomed through its April 13 meeting together, yet apart from one another.

The meeting’s arrangement is a first for the village. It took place via Zoom video and audio conferencing broadcast on the third floor of the town hall.

Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator, sat in an unusually dark third floor town hall meeting room by himself, controlling the Zoom session.

Conducting village business were council members at home, the mayor leading the meeting from his cell phone in the mayor’s office and the village administrator from his first floor town hall office. Meanwhile, Elliott Werth, village solicitor, participated in the meeting, while in Findlay.

Several pieces of legislation moved forward:
• No parking zone on a portion of West Washington Street was tabled
• First reading of ordinance setting rates for garbage, refuse and recycling
• Resolution creating positions and wage for swimming pool staff
• Resolution with Bluffton Stone Co., and Bluffton Paving for 2020 street work

Council set dates for five committee meetings. All meetings will be held using Zoom video conferencing. Those interested in attending should contact Jesse Blackburn at [email protected] to request an invitation. 

Insurance Committee – Wednesday, April 15, at 10:30 a.m.
Personnel Committee – Wednesday, April 15, at 1 p.m.
Ordinance Committee – Wednesday, April 15, at 5 p.m.
Finance Committee – Thursday, April 16, at noon
Streets, Alleys, Lights, and Sidewalks Committee – Thursday, April 16, at 5 p.m.
Council Meeting – Monday, April 27, at 7 p.m.

Hydrant flushing
Hydrant flushing will begin on Thursday, April 16. Bryan Lloyd, assistant village administrator, reported that the village now has a listening device that allows village employees to listen to the water system to determine potential leaks in the system. The flushing may some turbidity in the water system.

Bluffton council discussion 4-13-20