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GROB testing booth stories has nearly 60,000 Facebook reaches

Facebook loves a good story.

It's not yet 24 hours old, but the Icon's story about GROB Systems creating and donating 11 testing booths to hospitals in Bluffton, Lima and Findlay experienced an Icon milestone as a hit on Facebook.

As of 2:20 on Thursday the story, also posted on the Icon Facebook has experienced 58,872 reaches, had 8,748 people engaged with the story, had 457 shares, 411 "likes" and 39 comments.

This makes it by far the Icon's most well-received story of 2020 and it is closing in on the Facebook post of the deer crashing into Luke's several years ago. To put this story in perspective, the Icon posts about six times a day with average post reaches of 1,000 from our 3,500+ Facebook followers.

• Anything above 1,000 we consider a successful story. 
• Anything above 2,000, we consider a home run.
• This rates the GROB story a home run somewhere in the outer reaches of the Kulper Belt, closing in on Nepture and beyond.

As a comparision, the following stories were posted on Facebook earlier this week and received above average reaches:
2,310 Bluffton police K-9 on sick leave

2,609 Icon teddy bear map includes 80 locations (by now it is over 100 locations)

2,132 Blanchard Valley Health System COVIS-10 update on Facebook live

3,225 Andrew Raeburn feature photo with Addie Kiene

2,079 Larry Core named Lions Citizen of the Year
