Here are school plans for 2020-21

Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent, provided the following letter to parents and students concerning plans for next school year. It is also posted on the school website.

We are excited to have students back in the building next fall - distance learning options are also available

First, I want to thank you for your understanding and patience as we moved to an online platform this spring. 

We worked to strike a balance of providing a quality education while keeping stress to a minimum. We missed seeing our students in person and look forward to resuming face-to-face instruction in the fall.  

In the near future we will find out more from the Ohio Department of Education as to the regulations that will impact our return to school. In the meantime, we are taking direction from the Ohio Department of Education and the Allen County Health Department as we plan for the next school year.

One protocol we have in place is that teachers will be using a touchless forehead thermometer to take the temperatures of all students at the start of the day.

This will be a double-check as we are also requesting that students’ temperatures be taken prior to coming to school.

While we are excited to have students back in the building, we understand that some parents (and students) may be apprehensive about this step.  

In order to ease these apprehensions, we will be providing distance learning options in the fall.  

In other words, if you and your child feel it is best to continue learning at home, we will make that happen. If you are considering having your child remain in a distance learning setting at the start of the school year, please call 419-358-5901 to let us know, so that we can plan accordingly.

We also realize that you may change your mind at any time over the summer, and that is OK; we just appreciate the communication as it helps with fall preparation.  

Please call me if you ever have any questions or concerns.  We eagerly anticipate the fall and look forward to having our school community continue to thrive.

Greg Denecker   

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