A mid-1960s Bluffton question and eventual answer

The retirement announcement of Dr. Alan Yoder, Bluffton optometrist, prompted an interesting response from Dick Boehr.

Click here to read the retirement announcement.

Both Lions and both Main Street business persons, Boehr and Yoder shared many small-town commonalities over the decades.

In the following succinct tribute to the Yoders, Dick provided the Icon with a couple questions, certainly on the minds of many Bluffton residents in the mid-1960s, upon the arrival to Bluffton by the new eye doctor. (This is typical small-town stuff.)

Now, who are these Indiana people who want to start a business in Bluffton? 
Will they like our small town?
They tell me, he is a twin.
Will he go back to Indiana?
Oh, I hear they are planning a family.

Dick answers these questions with this comment:
“Soon, we know they have established themselves in the community and are supporting local events.

"Yes, Alan and Dian Yoder’s commitment to our community is well-known. They have been pillars in our Bluffton community for many years.”

Watch the Icon on Sunday for a “Forgotten Bluffton” column that Dick provided about the Gordon and Margaret Bixel family. Gordon was the optometrist who was responsible for attracting Dr. Yoder to practice in Bluffton. The theme of the essay is goats in Bluffton.

As an interesting aside, it was Gordon Bixel who invited Dick Boehr to become a member of the Bluffton Lions Club. Dick accepted the invite. That was 60 years ago next month.