C-R elementary principal gets head shaved for a great cause
Ben Thiel, Cory-Rawson elementary principal gets his head shaved on Thursday morning - and it's all for a great cause.
This winter Cory-Rawson elementary students participated in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Hero Squad program, a fundraiser for children with these blood cancers.
"We challenged our students to raise $1,000 and our principal, Ben Thiel, would shave his head," said Wendie Swary, elementary guidance counselor.
"Within the first two weeks they met that goal. We gave a second challenge of $1,500 and we would provide popcorn and a movie.
"Needless to say, our students met that goal too."
Six of 14 classrooms raise over $100 and the top two classrooms raised $306.09 and $412.53 reaching a school total of $1,756.79 together.
This program has existed for over 70 years and is often referred to as the Pennies for Patients program. The donations are used to help patients and their families when the need arises.
C-R rewarded the top two classrooms with pizza parties and also purchased milkshakes for the top classroom.