Jenn Olson earns event planning safety certification

One of the larger side effects from the Covid-19 pandemic is that millions of people have experienced a variety of alterations within their workplace. Many associates around the world have had to change how they carry out once routine professional responsibilities. This is a reality that Jennifer Olson, corporate event planner for Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) and Bluffton Hospital, has had to face herself.

Recently Olson became certified for planning events in the post-pandemic landscape. “As part of my team, Jenn will now have the additional tools and resources to plan BVHS event commitments more safely,” explained Amy J. Leach, director of corporate public relations and marketing. “Our family of professionals is firmly dedicated to providing quality events and programs to our community in order to assist them in making informed healthcare decisions. We are truly proud of Jenn for this notable accomplishment that will positively impact those we serve.”

Olson, who has worked for BVHS for nearly four years, appreciated that the certification course was structured around information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “The training was based on research and science that is proven to be effective in fighting the risk of transmission between people,” Olson added.

“I think the biggest thing Covid has taught event planners in general is to be flexible. You need to have a plan A, B, C and D. You can’t assume anymore that your original plan is going to go exactly how you pictured it,” Olson concluded.

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