BHS A-Team undefeated in Ada Invitational

On February 7, the Bluffton High School Academic Team competed in the Ada Invitational Quiz Bowl Competition and went undefeated in the round-robin tournament with a 5-0 record.  

The ten teams competing were Ada, Bluffton, Cory-Rawson, Elida, Hardin-Northern, Kenton, Liberty-Benton, Ridgemont, Riverdale and USV.  Riverdale finished second, with Ada only 2 points behind Riverdale, finishing in third.

Team members that competed with coaches:  left to right – front – Coach Scott Hoff, Asa Clingerman, Caitlyn Couch, Alyssa Hoffman, Coach Brigette Hoff; back – Liam Jordan, Jonah Brown, Will Neff, Jonah Rehm

Senior Captains: Jonah Brown & Will Neff

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