Haiku Hike on April 23 at Quarry Farm

April is National Poetry Month, April 22 is Earth Day and April 17 is International Haiku Poetry Day. In celebration of all three, The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve and Conservation Farm is offering the annual "Haiku Hike" on Saturday, April 23, from 1 to 2 p.m.

"We will walk the trails, look for wildlife and—you guessed it—try our hands at writing haikus about nature in Spring," said Anne Coburn-Griffis. "Last year we wrote seven in an hour." 

The Haiku poem is a Japanese art form that consists of short and simple, three line stanzas consisting of 5-7-5 syllables. Participants can be bards and enjoy the emerging season in the process.

Dress for the weather, including good walking shoes, and meet in Seitz Family Pavilion, 1/8 mile north of 14321 Road 7L, Pandora. 

There is no fee to participate. Tax-deductible donations are welcome. The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization, is located 1/8 mile north of 14321 Road 7L, Pandora. For more information, visit www.thequarryfarm.org and The Quarry Farm on Facebook and Instagram.

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Monday, March 10, 2025