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Book launch for Weaver, Mast and Bechtel

Anabaptist Political Theology After Marpeck

A book release celebration for “Anabaptist Political Theology After Marpeck” will take place at 4 p.m. on April 27, in the Musselman Library Reading Room on the campus of Bluffton University

Co-edited by J. Denny Weaver, Gerald Mast and Trevor Bechtel, the book of essays is published by Cascadia Publishing House and is the latest volume in Bluffton University’s C. Henry Smith series.

The book presents various perspectives on 16th century Anabaptist leader Pilgram Marpeck’s approach to Christian political involvement. Each chapter offers insights from Marpeck on how Christians today can be active in the public sphere without being corrupted by political power.

Weaver is a professor emeritus of religion at Bluffton, Mast is a professor of communication at Bluffton and Bechtel is a student engagement and strategic projects manager at the University of Michigan, as well as pastor at Shalom Community Church in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Each editor also authored a chapter in the book, which includes chapters from 11 different writers.

The three editors will be at the book release and copies will be available. The event will also include a reading, signings and refreshments.

The cover of the book, designed by Trevor Bechtel, features an image of the Tyrolean eagle, a historic Austrian symbol that represents the region where Marpeck was born. Pilgram Marpeck is also the namesake of Marbeck Center, Bluffton’s student union.