CASA child advocate information session, June 30

CASA®, a program of Crime Victim Services, will hold an online Information Session on  how you can be a voice for a child in need.

  • 11:00 a.m.-noon, Thursday, June 30
  • Facebook Live @casaoflima

Those interested in participating or learning more about the 2022 Summer Training Class can learn about the role of a CASA/GAL.

CASA® is a volunteer-driven organization that provides a voice for children who have been abused and neglected.  A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a trained community volunteer, appointed by a judge, to speak up for the best interests of an abused or neglected child. The ultimate goal of a CASA volunteer is to help make sure the child has a safe, permanent home.

To become a volunteer, you must

  • be 21 years of age
  • have a valid driver’s license
  • pass a background check

Additionally, you must complete an interview and 35 hours of pre-service training prior to certification. CASA® currently has 85 active volunteers but need more to ensure that every abused or neglected child in Allen and Putnam counties has a CASA® volunteer to advocate for them.

So far in 2022, the organization has been unable to assign a CASA® Volunteer for more than 45 children.

This summer class will be held in person Monday through Friday, July 18-29.

For more information, please contact the CASA office
at 567-940-2272 or [email protected].