BHS alumni soccer game will benefit Bluffton Food Pantry

Former players invited to compete, fans invited to help stock the Food Pantry

On Saturday, August 6, the Bluffton High School boys and girls soccer teams will host the Annual Alumni Games as a benefit for the Bluffton Food Pantry.

Coach Jamie Mehaffie explains, "The community is invited to come out and see these 2022 BHS Soccer teams for the first time and watch some of your favorite former student-athletes in action, and support the Bluffton Food Pantry."

The boys game will be played at 5:00 p.m. and the girls will be played at 7:00 p.m. at Steinmetz Field, 9 Triplett Drive.

All former BHS players are invited to play. Alumni should wear red for the

Those attending the games are asked to bring a donation for the Bluffton Food Pantry. Donations will be collected just inside the main entrance to the field.

According to the Bluffton Food Pantry, which is located at St. John's United Church of Christ, 223 W College Ave, items that are needed most include: cereal, peanut butter, canned meat, canned tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, canned fruit, soup, boxed potatoes, toilet paper and paper towels.

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