Summer-Fall session of GriefShare scheduled

A summer-fall session of weekly GriefShare support group sessions has been scheduled at Bluffton Town Hall. This session will run from August 18-November 17.

GriefShare is a support program for those who have lost a loved one whether that loss is recent or not. Organizers explain, "Often, family and friends want to help you, but don’t know how. That’s the reason for GriefShare. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we’ve been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future."

The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from grief. The local program is sponsored by Ebenezer Mennonite Church, 8905 Columbus Grove Road.

GriefShare meets weekly. There are three key parts to the experience:

  • Video Seminar: Encouraging information-packed videos featuring grief recovery experts.
  • Support Group: Small group discussion about the weekly video content.
  • Workbook: Journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics.

The weekly program meets for 13 weeks.  This group will meet from 7:00-8:30 p.m. on the third floor of Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main Street,

There is a $20 fee for the GriefShare workbook with scholarships available.  Please contact Pastor Dick Potter if you are interested in attending so that enough workbooks will be available. Call 419-358-8588 or email [email protected] or [email protected].  

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