MHCO hosts "Game Day" gala on October 13

Fundraiser for Benevolent Care Fund

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio will host an inaugural gala event on October 13, 2022.  The theme will be “Game Day” and guests will be invited to wear their favorite sports attire–from a hat to a full team uniform. The fundraising event will benefit the Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio Benevolent Care Fund, which provides support to care for older adults who have outlived their resources.

The event will take place at The Centre at Bluffton, at 601 N. Main St from 6:00- 7:30 p.m.  Guests will be treated to a Game Day dinner of Philly Steak, BBQ Smoked Chicken, Fried Potatoes, macaroni salad, Tossed Salad and cookies and brownies .  The meal will be catered by The Centre.  Entertainment during the dinner event includes raffles, silent auctions and a live auction.  Corporate, Church and Family sponsorships are available for the event.  Prizes are also still being collected for this event.  

If you or your business or organization would like to contribute with a sponsorship or a prize, please contact Chris Moser at [email protected] or at 419-358-1015, x263.  In discussing the purpose of the event, Chris shared, “MHCO is looking forward to this first Gala.  It serves our community well by enjoying a good meal, supporting a cause worthy of our generosity, and to also have some fun!  In general, we are seeing people live longer, more active lives – which is a good thing.  This can cause challenges when it comes to affording care, however, and people often think that Medicaid pays the full cost of long-term care.  In reality, elder care providers like MHCO typically are reimbursed only two-thirds of the cost of care, which is why we are focusing on the need for benevolent care support.  Please join us for an enjoyable evening and support the older adults we serve.  We have some really neat prizes and experiences that have been provided to support this effort.  We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!”

More information about sponsorship opportunities and a current listing of prizes can be found at

Tickets for the dinner ($30), as well as the raffle tickets ($10), can be purchased online at or at the front desk of each MHCO campus.  Tickets will be available until October 4.  

MHCO thanks the Bluffton, Pandora and surrounding communities for their continued support and generosity over our 67 years of service.  MHCO’s Mission Statement is, “We are dedicated to being a Christ-centered community that promotes personal decision making and purposeful living for each older adult served.”

For more information about the gala, contact Chris Moser at 419-358-1015, x263.

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