17th Annual Bluffton Fall Festival is Saturday, September 24 

The 17th annual Bluffton Fall Festival, with many family-oriented activities, will take place throughout the community on Saturday, Sept. 24, with most activities  occurring between 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Locations include the Mennonite Memorial Home, Maple Crest, the Schumacher Homestead (Swiss Community Historical  Society), Bluffton Hospital, Mercy Health Bluffton Family Practice, the Bluffton Farmers Market, Bluffton Presbyterian Church, Blended Roots and Bluffton Cars & Coffee. All events are free unless otherwise noted, and free parking is available at all locations. More details can be found below and at www.blufftonfallfestival.com

Bluffton Cars & Coffee, 902 N. Main (Masterpiece Signs)

• 8:00-11:00 a.m. Monthly gathering of car enthusiasts on the 4th Saturday, May-October.

Bluffton Hospital, 139 Garau St. 

• Pumpkin decorating, complimentary Kona Ice Treats, refreshments and interactive  activities for kids 

Downtown Bluffton  

Bluffton Farmers Market - 8:30 a.m.-noon
  Citizens National Bank parking lot, 102 S. Main.

Face Painting and Balloon Animals - 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
  Mercy Health Bluffton Family Practice, 204 N. Main

Sidewalk Sale and $5 Kids Craft - 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
  Blended Roots, 246 Cherry St.

Bluffton Discovery Days sponsored by the Bluffton Chamber of Commerce. 
  Visit Bluffton businesses for a chance to win prizes.

Entertainment at the Gazebo - 10:00 a.m.- 1:45 p.m.
  Bluffton Presbyterian Church, 112 N. Main

  • Connor Raines from 10-Noon (Guitar/vocals) 
  • Five-Star Baton Company from Noon – 12:45 (Baton Troop) 
  • The Usual Suspects from 1-1:45 (Musical Group) 
  • Contact us at blufftonfallfestival.com if you are interested in performing! 

Maple Crest Senior Living Village, 700 Maple Crest Ct. 

• Annual Antique Tractor Show, Kiddie tractor pull, registration 12:30-1:00 p.m., pull  starts 1:00 p.m., Fishing derby (bait & poles provided), 2-3 p.m., Food for sale, free  hearing screenings by Beltone 

Mennonite Memorial Home, 410 W. Elm St. 

• MHCO Service Group Food Tent ($), Crafts with Hilty Preschool and Child Care, Craft  vendors, M&R Plumbing Putt-Putt, Kiddie Train 


Schumacher Homestead (Swiss Community Historical Society), 8350 Bixel  Road 

• Farm Animals, straw bale maze, kid’s games and activities, wagon rides, horse plowing,  blacksmithing, corn-shelling, bread making, needlecrafts, popcorn popping,  woodworking, demonstrations, and food for sale ($) 

For updates and complete information on the Bluffton Fall Festival visit the website at www.blufftonfallfestival.com, or at www.facebook.com/BlufftonFallFest

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