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Summary of August 22 Council Meeting

Officer swearing in • Scarecrow decorating Security pay rates • School resource officer MOU • Medication disposal retry • Commemoration committee formed

By Andy Chappell-Dick

The following article provides a summary of the Village of Bluffton regular council meeting; the packet with additional details is attached HERE.

For the second time this summer, Council unanimously approved the hiring of a new police officer. Brianna Kill has been an Allen County Deputy for five years, and already is a resident of the Village.

Mayor Rich Johnson swore her in as a full time patrol officer, and she received a warm round of applause and handshakes from all dignitaries present. Mrs. Kill replaces veteran officer Lonny Kent, who retires this month.  

Chief Ryan Burkholder invites the public to a celebration of Kent’s retirement from 3:00-6:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 27 at the Sportsmen's Club, 405 S Spring St.

There was a single Committee report, from Joe Sehlhorst speaking for Streets. They approved a project initiated by a local business owner, working in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce, to have a Scarecrow Decorating Contest along Main Street in the month of October.  Also approved was the donation of a decorative park bench to be placed in front of the Et Cetera Shop.  An ongoing topic was placement of more street lighting throughout the Village.

Four resolutions were considered and passed unanimously 5-0 (Phil Tallivinia was absent.) 

The first involved the transfer of funds between different Village accounts. These are the routine details of council meetings (p. 3-4 in the packet) What follows should be more interesting. 

The second resolution was an acceptance of a bid to perform the Bentley Road/ Main Street intersection work, so we can all look forward to that traffic hiccup. When completed, the work will improve traffic flow through that intersection, while also adding pedestrian-friendly features, all of which must be completed before the state repaves Main Street in 2023.

The third resolution sets pay rates for when police officers are contracted to provide security outside of regular police business.  This update has been several years in the works, and updates a structure that was so outdated that nobody present could remember when it was last addressed.

The fourth item was the first reading of an authorization for the Village to enter into an agreement with Bluffton Schools to establish a School Resource Officer Program. This program will place a full-time officer in the schools; a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding was attached to the Council packet (pages 15-21)

Speaking first for Safety Services reports, Chief Jan Basinger requested a meeting with the Safety Services Committee to discuss growing needs in the EMS Department.  Chief Jon Kinn asked to be present at that meeting, to address the same topic for the Fire Department.  A meeting was set for Wednesday, August 24 at noon.

Chief Burkholder spoke last for the Police Department. He is willing to try opening the medication disposal site again at Town Hall.  If people are able to follow the instructions on the box and dispose ONLY loose pills and NOT used needles and other medical paraphernalia, then this much-needed service might continue.

He again asked permission to support another student just beginning her studies and training at the Academy, in an agreement that would have her join the Bluffton Police Department as a part-time officer.  Finally, Chief Burkholder announced that Officer Eric Rayle has been promoted to Corporal, a rank previously held by retiring Lonny Kent.  With his long service, Corporal Rayle will serve as a mentor to younger patrol officers.

Finally, Mayor Johnson announced the finalization of a committee to address the creation of a Safety Services commemoration.  The committee was conceived in the discussions this past spring of how to memorialize fallen Bluffton Police Officer Dominic Francis, and added to their task is formalizing the recognition of first responders more broadly, in particular those who have died in the line of duty but also those who have dedicated their lives to this form of public service. The members are: Connie Anderson, George Lehman, Jan Basinger, Jon Kinn, Matt Oglesbee, Mitch Giesge, and Chad Cupples.
