Open burn health reminder

The Allen County Health Department has issued this reminder:

Ohio law limits what and where you can open burn. Open burning can release many kinds of toxic fumes.

Leaves and plant materials send aloft millions of spores when they catch fire, causing many people with allergies to have difficulty breathing.

The pollutants released by open burning also make it more difficult to meet health-based air quality standards, especially in or near large cities. The gases released by open burning can also corrode metal siding and damage paint on buildings.

Other restrictions:

Open burning is not allowed when air pollution warnings, alerts or emergencies are in effect.

Fires cannot obscure visibility for roadways, railroad tracks or air fields.

No wastes generated off the premises may be burned. For example, a tree trimming contractor may not haul branches and limbs to another site to burn.

To learn more about open burning visit:

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Monday, February 17, 2025