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Ohio crop report from USDA

Ohio corn and soybean producers expect record high corn and soybean yields this year, according to Ben Torrance, State  Statistician, USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office. The October Crop Production Report is based on conditions as of October 1, 2023. Some highlights of the report follow: 

• Ohio expected corn yield is up 8 bushels from last year to 195 bushels per acre. Total production is forecast at 657 million  bushels, up 11 percent from last year. 

• Ohio soybean production is expected to total 270 million bushels, down 4 percent from last year. The yield is forecast at  57 bushels per acre, up 1.5 bushels from last year. 

• Nationally, corn 2023 production for grain is forecast at 15.1 billion bushels, which if realized would be the third highest  production for grain on record for the United States. Based on conditions as of October 1, the yield is forecast at 173.0  bushels per acre, down 0.4 bushel from last year’s final estimate of 173.4 bushels. Record high yields are forecast in  Alabama, Indiana, Ohio, and South Carolina. 

• U.S. 2023 soybean production for beans is forecast at 4.10 billion bushels, down 1 percent from the previous estimate  and down 4 percent from last year. The forecasted yield, at 49.6 bushels per acre, is equal to last year’s final estimate.  Area harvested for beans in the United States is forecast at 82.8 million acres, unchanged from the previous forecast but  down 4 percent from last year. Record high yields are forecast in Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee. 
