Pay hikes in the works for Village employees

By Andy Chappell-Dick

Hiring new police officers has been tough lately for the Village of Bluffton, but Council is now considering legislation that should make a big difference not only for this department but for all Village employees.

A wage survey of surrounding communities revealed that other police departments pay significantly more. This sparked a broader look at two similar-sized towns in the area, and the result is a proposal that delivers wage hikes to all Village employees.

Fiscal Officer Kevin Nickel says the average is a 9% increase.  "Our wages were not competitive," he said. "This new schedule brings the range back into competitiveness."  According to Nickel, the increases have already been accounted for in next year's budget.

The changes are laid out in two resolutions (meeting packet pages 4-13) that passed their first readings unanimously at the October 23 meeting of Village Council. 

The Village has 19 full-time and 9 part-time employees.