Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow, part 1
In this series, the Icon presents the Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow comprehensive plan in eight segments, which can be found in full on the Village of Bluffton website HERE. The Bluffton Public Library has two print copies.
Bluffton, Ohio is a place and a people. It is institutions, governmental and nongovernmental systems, and it is home. People form families, find work and livelihood here, build and operate businesses, educate and care for children, develop values, provide goods and services. It is a home away from home for university students, and it is the choice of many to retire here.
Excerpt from 2006 Final Visioning Report
In 2022-2023, the Village of Bluffton enlisted the expertise of Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission (LACRPC) to create this comprehensive plan to guide development over the next two decades. The Village, with a steering committee of 10 residents appointed by the mayor, created Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow in conjunction with LACRPC staff. The document is designed to reflect the current state of the community and establish a vision for the future, building upon the 2006 Final Visioning Report.
Over the next twenty years, the Village anticipates change. Protecting the resources, vitality, community engagement and aesthetic of Bluffton are important to all stakeholders. With this comprehensive plan, the steering committee hopes to manage change, while being proactive, flexible, creative and open-minded.
This plan is intended to provide 1) a contemporary snapshot of the community and the perceptions of its residents, leaders and businesses; and 2) a blueprint for growth and improvements in land use, economic development, arts and leisure, and community infrastructure, including actionable strategies at the end of each section. This plan documents the consensus desires of the community for proactive, modest growth.
This plan has been created for community leaders, residents, and business owners, to inform future decisions and help them work together to maintain and grow a healthy and vibrant community.
Public Participation Process
The Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow (BBT) project generated public participation to vet projects and create community buy-in. Public input assures the community’s willingness and ability to support action steps brought forth by the planning process. BBT employed an extensive public participation schedule. The initial assessment was a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis completed by the steering committee.
From those results, the initial public survey was created and disseminated online, drawing over 600 participants. A follow-up was held both in-person and online, returning over 200 results. From there, a cohesive vision for Bluffton was composed. The appendix (p. 47) contains a summary of the survey results which further details the respondents’ vision for Bluffton.
The survey respondents praised Bluffton for the quality of life it offers to its residents. The safe, clean, close-knit community is appreciated by residents and visitors who travel from neighboring towns to enjoy the amenities and aesthetic of Bluffton. Survey respondents hope that Bluffton can cultivate and sustain more of those amenities.
A desire for more restaurants and entertainment in Bluffton echoed throughout the survey process. Blufftonites are envisioning enhanced walkability and more attractions for young adults. Diverse housing options and the development of the State Route 103 corridor may benefit in the effort to attract more young people to Bluffton.
Topics that emerged from the public participation process included residents’ desire for modest growth, a robust range of housing options, maintaining and growing a bustling downtown with plentiful sidewalks and paths, as well as new possibilities for public arts, beautification, and entertainment.
- Modest Growth
- Housing Options
- Bustling Downtown
- Restaurants
- Sidewalks/Path
- Entertainment
- Art/Beautification
Next installment: Population Characteristics
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