Historical society to meet at Bluffton Public Library, Nov. 13

By Scott Little
Bluffton Historical Society Secretary

The November meeting of the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society will take place on Wednesday, November 13 in the Shannon Room (History Room) on the main floor of the Bluffton Public Library at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting will include Committee Reports, such as the Althaus Building update on W. Elm St., and how we might be involved in the Nov. 30 Blaze of Lights Parade.

I hope to see you upstairs, uptown! Bring a friend and an old story. ▶︎

P.S.  Charles Hilty once told me he was born in the OLD Bluffton Hospital - currently the site of the Bluffton Public Library. When he moved back to town, he came into the library and was applying for a Bluffton Public Library card. He was asked at the Circulation Desk where he was from. According to his description to me, he emphatically stated RIGHT HERE! That was met with a response, "You mean Bluffton, Ohio?"  He went on to say, "Well, yes, but RIGHT ABOUT HERE IN THIS LOCATION!  I was born at the previous Bluffton Hospital and delivered right near here!"  Who else has an old Bluffton Hospital story they could share with us next Wednesday night? Please do!

Bluffton Ohio Historical Society

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