Adopt-a-Family for Christmas via Bluffton Food Pantry

Bluffton Community Assistance Corporation and Food Pantry invites you to Adopt-a-Family for Christmas. Everyone who is being adopted lives within the Bluffton school district.

Donations need to be brought to the Food Pantry at St. John's UCC, 223 W College Ave, between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 21.

Some twelve individuals, couples and families of different sizes are available for adoption. If your family or group decides to "adopt" someone this year, BCAC director Jami Lovell will provide an anonymous list of what that person or family is requesting. The main priority is food or a gift card for them to purchase food, and gifts are up to you.

Lovell notes, "This is a great opportunity for church groups, book clubs, co-workers, etc. to give back during the Holiday season. Please let me know if you have any questions or are willing to help. Thanks in advance! This community ALWAYS pulls through."

Email Lovell at [email protected] or message her via Facebook.