Letter: Thank you to supporters of Et Cetera Inc. celebrations

By Joyce Schumacher

What do a style show, a garden walk, a comforter knotting party and a repurposing event have in common? They were all part of the 50th anniversary celebration of Et Cetera, Inc., including the three stores, Et Cetera Shop, Ten Thousand Villages, and Book ReViews. 

The event planners thank everyone who attended events of the year-long celebration. Thank you to First Mennonite Church, the Bluffton Middle School, Bluffton gardeners, the Arthur Lugibihl Community Center in Pandora and Bluffton Family YMCA for hosting events.

With your support, the celebration was a success! Thank you!

For celebration highlights, check out our Yearlong 50th anniversary celebration of Et Cetera Inc. Facebook page and website.


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