Pirate bowlers place 5th at Jack Hammill Invite

KENTON – The Bluffton High School boys bowling team competed in the Bowling at Jack Hammill Invite at 20th Century Lanes on January 20.

The Pirates finished fifth in the Baker series competition.

The team lost in the first round bracket to Shawnee in a best of three match, 164 to 247 and 168 to 185.

The BHS bowling team roster is below. Coaches are Head Coach Ben Nye and Assistant Coach Jeff Shadbolt.

Austin Blue 10

Coby Dailey 10

Declan Dunifon 10

Drew Frideger 10

Weston Johnstone 9

Emmitt Kidd 10

Laney Kiene 10

Brady Montgomery 10

Xavier Navarro 10

Elijah Nye 11

Matthew Piehl 12

Natalie Richards 9

Joziah Salazar 11

Blaize Schwarz 11

Trevor Smith 12

Tate Steinmetz 10

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