Letter: Bluffton Ohio Historical Society 2025 membership invitation

From the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society

Thank you to our 33 valued members of the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society (BOHS), who have joined or renewed their membership as of February 2025. 

Membership is a great way of supporting the Bluffton community; together we members strive to preserve, appreciate and tell the spectrum of Bluffton's rich heritage in fresh exciting ways. See our plans for 2025 below.

To join the historical society, you may choose from three membership types:

$25 - Annual Family Membership
$200 - Annual Corporate Membership
$1,000 - Lifetime Membership

To submit your dues and contact information, you may:

  • Mail the attached form with a check
  • Join at a monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at the Bluffton Sportsmen’s Club.
  • Join and pay at BlufftonForever.com.


2025 promises to be a vibrant exciting year for the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society. Our calendar of events and plans include

  • General Store and Rudolph Althaus Family program, May 21, led by Bluffton native Fred Steiner
  • Annual Bluffton History Day, August 9 at the Bluffton Sportsmen’s Club-Nickel Plate Railroad Depot
  • Becoming caretaker and management for the Bluffton Sportsmen’s Club-Nickel Plate Railroad Depot, pending Village of Bluffton lease approval
  • Quarterly show and tell events
  • Create a traveling history trunk project for school programs
  • Begin recording oral history interviews
  • Althaus General Store preservation, one of Bluffton's oldest commercial structures
  • Develop an Interurban rail exhibit 
  • Develop a business plan for a Bluffton museum

For more information on BOHS, visit www.BlufftonForever.com and follow us on Facebook.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Ron Epp, President
Dan Groman, Vice President
Scott Little, Secretary
Clair Winebar, Treasurer

Bluffton Ohio Historical Society Mission 
To preserve, display and promote artifacts and information relating to the history of Bluffton, Ohio for the education and enjoyment of all.

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