Soup is king at the library's chili cook-off

Samples of the seven chili soups

Karl Best was Saturday's winner in the Bluffton Public Library's chili cookoff. The event featured seven different chili soups and the judges picked Best's as the grand prize winner.

To view a video of the soups click here. To view a video of Jim Bodecker and Ed Zickafoose performing during the event click here.

He wona $50 Walmart gift certificate, a $25 gift card to Jeanne's Kitchen and a t-shirt.

There were other winners: Judge's Choice Runner-up: Paula Scott (she won a $25 gift certificate to Tu Pueblo and a book about cupcakes).

People's Choice Winner: Travis Unterbrink (he won a $25 gift certificate to China Wok).

"We would also like to give credit to our sponsor, Community Markets and to Bluffton Drive Thru for donating gift certificates," said Cindi Chasse, library administrator.

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