More letters to Santa

Note: Write a letter to Santa. Drop it in the special box in the Bluffton Post Office lobby. The Icon will print your letter. The Bluffton Senior Citizens will send a response from Santa (provided you include a mailing address).

Dear Santa

I've been good this year. How have you been? I'm sure you are good. I would like a skateboard, a new helmet, pads, a tech deck (my other one's broken),and a Julie Albright doll. I would also like a turtle webkinz. Tell the elves "hi" for me.


Reagan Mittendorf

356 S. Jackson St.


Dear Santa

My name is Thad. I'm seven years old. I've been good. I would like a skateboard and a tech deck. Hope you have a merry Christmas.


Thad Mittendorf

Dear Ho Ho (Santa)

My name is Elliot Kibele George and I am 3 1/2 years old. I have been a good boy a little bit. Please bring a bigger doggy, five trains, books and more presents! And please bring presents for my little brother Gavin. When you come to our house, we will have cookies and milk for you!

Love Elliot