Bluffton Senior Citizens geared up for sesquicentennial

The Bluffton Senior Center is busy getting ready for Bluffton's sesquicentennial.

"We have something planned for almost every day of the celebration," says director Tonya Meyer. "I am most excited about having all the former directors together for the parade."

The Senior Center will have a float in the parade as well as the Senior Center Bus. Riding on the float be former directors Vera Core, Betty Cookson and Rosemary Meyer as well as current director Tonya Meyer and some long time volunteers of the Center, Ralph Rammel and Ester Neff.

There is still room in the Senior Center Bus for any other Senior Citizens who would like to be in the parade.

Besides the parade, the Senior Center will be putting on a meal during the Festival of Wheels.

"We will have a salad bar and sandwiches and something new, Hot Dog Bites. They are batter dipped hot dogs in bite size pieces. So a little something for everyone,' says Meyer. The Center will be open on Sat. the 25th and will have a bake sale.

On Monday, June 27, the Senior Center will have a weaving demonstration at 2:30 p.m.

"People love to watch Ralph Rammel weave the rugs but during the demonstration, we will also show every step of the rug making process," explains Meyer. Tuesday, June 28th at 10 am, the Senior Center will have a crochet demo.

"We want to show how much work goes into the items our senior citizens make so shoppers understand the quality they are getting at the Senior Center as well as the wide variety of products available," says Meyer.

Wednesday at the Senior Center is always work day when the quilters are hard at work so the Senior Center will have a Quilting Demonstration on Wednesday at 10 am and visitors can try their hand at quilting.

The Senior Center will be hosting an American Girl Tea on Thursday, June 30 from 2 pm to 4 pm. The theme will be Pioneer Girl in honor of the Sesquicentennial. There will be crafts, prizes and tea and cookies. Tickets are $8 and must be reserved by Monday, June 27.