Marathon break-in episode captured on video camera

Bluffton Police responded to an alarm at the Marathon station at 205 S. Main St. on July 25, according to Matt Oglesbee, Bluffton police sergeant. While the thief was not captured in person, he was captured on the store video camera.

Oglesbee told The Icon that officers discovered a window on the front door had been broken and the business had been entered. The owner of the business reported several items had been taken during the break in.

A security video from the business reveals an unidentified white male entering the building through the broken window.

These are pictures from the security video. The police ask and if anyone recognizes the person in the pictures to call Oglesbee at the Bluffton Police Department 419-358-2961 ext. 110.

To view all four photos, click on first image.