First Mennonite sponsors Peace Weekend Sept. 10-11

Calling all artists, musicians, and anyone wanting to share in the celebration of peace... First Mennonite Church is sponsoring a Peace Weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 10-11.

On Sept. 10, Saturday morning a Peace Festival will be held in the parking lot of FMC with face-painting and other activities for children, live music, a mural to add to, informational displays, and international clothing to try on with your families for a photo, see books on display, all during the farmer's market from 9:30-12.

(The Bluffton University Peace Club and Lion and Lamb Peace Arts Center will be heavily involved in this morning.)

Saturday night, there will be a Blau Rock caf'e, beginning at 6:30 p.m. to support both the Iraqi Student Project and the Dare to Dream scholarship. Music, poetry, and delicious food prepared by Bluffton and Revolver's Jonah Agner (donations at the door).

All day at FMC, visit an art exhibit of various media celebrating peacemaking of all kinds.

Sunday, Sept. 11, Jeff Gundy will speak at both Sunday School (9:15 a.m.) and worship (10:30 a.m.) on work of poet William Stafford. At 4 p.m., Lima Mennonite Church will host a Brazo en Brazo celebration with food and live entertainment.

The events of the weekend are open to the public.

Persons with artwork that relates to your idea of peace that you would be willing to share for the weekend, contact Carolyn Rich ([email protected] ) for information.

Pieces may be for display only or donated for a silent auction benefitting ISP and Dare to Dream. All ages and ability levels are invited to submit photos, poems, ceramics, textiles, paintings, drawings for this exhibit.

If you would like to share a song or poem for the evening's Blau Rock, contact Jeff Gundy ([email protected]) or Kathy Dickson ([email protected] ).

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