Our new feature - to make you hungry and save you money

The Icon's newest feature should make you hungry, and save you money.

Today we introduce our combined menu-coupon page. The new feature enables viewers to read and/or print menus from restaurants who are Icon advertisers.

Go to "Coupons and menus" on the black horizontal bar underneath the Icon masthead. Click on it. You will see menus for:

1 - China Wok
2 - Common Grounds
3 - Jeanne's Kitchen

We hope to add additional menus soon.

These menus may be viewed on your computer screen or printed.

In addition, we've combined our coupons with our menu page. The coupon section, on the left side of the page is also printer-friendly. We hope to add additional coupons soon.

At the moment, coupons are avialable for
1 - China Wok
2 - Southgate Lanes
3 - Stratton Auto (the September offer will be posted very soon).

Restaurants interested in adding their menus to this new feature may contact The Icon at info@blufftonicon.com.

Businesses interessted in posted printer-friendly coupons may also contact info@blufftonicon.com.

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