BCE invites artists to submit works for November auction

The Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs is seeking contributions for its third annual art auction on Saturday, Nov. 12. The preview, dinner and auction is the business incubator's single most important fundraiser and will be attended by some 200 guests.

The event as a fun and rewarding experience for artists. The auction's
selections will be made by jurors Tamera Rooney of Findlay, Mike
Huffman of Lima, and Gregg Luginbuhl of Bluffton.

Selected artists are invited to attend as the BCE's guest, giving them the opportunity meet and mingle with local buyers. They also receive 25% of the gavel price. Full details are in the attached application/prospectus.

Submissions will be accepted until mid-October. For more information open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

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