Domestic violence seminar for clergy at Blanchard Valley Hospital Oct. 27

In response to requests for pastoral education related to domestic violence, Blanchard Valley Hospital's Spiritual Care Education Series is sponsoring a full day pastoral educational event: Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence

The event is Thursday, Oct. 27,
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: The D.O.C.K.
St. Mark's UMC
800 S. Main St.
Findlay, Ohio

The Reverends K. Ray Hill and Dr. Sharon Ellis Davis will be with us to share their knowledge and expertise in examining theological, spiritual, and pastoral issues related to domestic violence. Both are certified trainers from FaithTrust Institute and experienced in rural and urban ministries.

Please join us in theological conversation related to domestic violence, effective pastoral responses to victims and abusers, use of scripture, and strategies for working collaboratively with resource agencies in your community.

For more information, please call Blanchard Valley Hospital Spiritual Care at 419.429.6463 or e-mail [email protected].

This event is co-sponsored by Open Arms Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services and Century Health.

This series is funded by the Spiritual Care Endowment, an endowed fund of the Blanchard Valley Health Foundation made possible by the Great Lakes Conference of the Churches of God.