Thank you from Bluffton Fire Department

Chief Jon Kinn and the members of the Bluffton Fire Department would like to express our deepest appreciation for all of the Bluffton community for attending our recent open house held at the fire station.

We would like to thank everyone who came out to enjoy our chili lunch and demonstrations throughout the day to help make the day a success. At the completion of the open house, we raffled off a quilt that was won by Linda Rumer. The proceeds from both the chili lunch and quilt raffle will be used for training and equipment costs.

We would also like to thank those that helped make the day possible: Ella Bazzy for donating the quilt, Dick's Towing for donating the vehicles for the extrication demos, M & R Plumbing for the donation of a stove for a grease fire demo and Panache for the donation of the table center pieces and of course the Bluffton community that has always shown your support of the Bluffton Fire Department.

Bluffton Fire Department

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