Bluffton Hospital named a Top 100 Critical Access Hospital in the U.S.; only five Ohio hospitals recognized

Bluffton Hospital has been named one of the top 100 critical access hospitals in the nation by the National Rural Health Association. Bluffton Hospital was one of only five hospitals in Ohio to receive this designation.

Being named a top 100 critical access hospital means that Bluffton Hospital received high scores in the Hospital Strength Index. The Index, a first-ever comprehensive rating system for critical access hospitals, evaluates each hospital across 56 performance metrics.

Metrics reviewed include market strength such as competitiveness and growth, value-based strength including quality, outcomes and cost and financial strength indicators of long-term sustainability.

"Being named to this list means that Bluffton Hospital is one of the top performing hospitals in the nation," said Bill Watkins, chief administrative officer of Bluffton Hospital.

"We are proud to offer the community quality care and a commitment to continued improvement to ensure we always provide top-notch care close to home."

Bluffton Hospital is a division of Blanchard Valley Health System, which provides a total continuum of care to more than 100,000 households in an eight-county area. The BVHS mission is to provide a broad continuum of exceptional health-related services in Northwest Ohio.

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