Shirley's Gourmet Popcorn third annual customer appreciation day Saturday - popcorn-eating contest at 11 a.m.

Shirleys Gourmet Popcorn Co., 117 S. Main St., Bluffton invites Icon viewers to its third cusstomer appreciate day on Saturday, Nov. 5.

"There will be lots to do for the entire family," according to Pete and Kim Suter, owners.

Saturday's schedule follows:

o Story time at the Shannon- 10 a.m.
(free books for the kids)

o Popcorn eating contest- 11a.m.
Call 419-979-9573 to register, must be 18 years of age to enter.

o During the day persons may purchase $10 or more at Shirley's and receive a $5 gift card. There will also be several great give aways all day long.

o In addition, all concessions at the Shannon Theatre are $1 all day long.

o Puss in Boots will be shown in 2D with shows at 1:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. ($3 admission)

o Shows in 3D are at 4 and 9:30 p.m. ($6 admission)

Gift Baskets
Shirley's has a gift idea for those people who have everything. They will make a custom gift baskets. Shirley's has gourmet popcorn, frosted nuts, seasonings, popcorn to pop at home, gift cards, and more, according to Suters.

Making Shirley's Special
"Shirley loved to read, and share books with our youngest customers. Thus, in honor of Shirley, we've committed a portion of every sale to local and nation-wide literacy programs," said the Suters.

Shirley's Flavor of the Month

Black Forest Cake popcorn and Bluffton Icon popcorn are the November flavors of the month.

Black Forest Cake popcorn is dessert in a bag, black cherry popcorn drizzled with milk chocolate.

Also for November Shirley's is helping the Bluffton Icon celebrate its birthday. For this, Shirley's has Icon popcorn, caramel corn drizzled with milk chocolate sprinkled with fresh Icon ground coffee. It's like a caramel latte in a bag.

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