The Bluffton Senior Citizens' Center is hosting an American Girl "May Day Tea" on Saturday, May 1, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Bluffton Senior Center, 132 N. Main St.

Anyone interested, young and old alike, are invited to bring a doll and participate in an afternoon of crafts, games and tea. Every participant is guaranteed a prize from the many drawings.

The grand prize is outfits for your doll made by Mary Ann Jordan. Plan to attend with your mom, grandma, aunts or friends. Bring your doll and your favorite teacup.

Bluffton Middle School honor roll

Bluffton High School's 3rd qtr. honor roll:

9th Grade - all A:
Julie Althaus, Aaron Basinger, Jessica Brockert, Nathan Bunch, Anna Crisp, Michael Deter, Nathaniel Diller, Megan Dulle, Karli Leugers, Jonathan Nisly, Justin Paul, Nathan Risner, Rachel Sehlhorst, Emily Sprague, Rachel Yoder

One day long ago, my brother pulled into Bluffton in his aging Volvo, a bike carrier on the back. On the carrier was a tandem bicycle that suggested his trip wasn't as easy as usual. He admitted that passing trucks in the hills of VA and West VA was a bit on the dicey side.

But bless his heart for taking his chances. He and his wife, my beloved SIL, had decided that tandems were not made for riding the hills and valleys of Virginia, especially when one's house is situated on a stone road that is well beyond the "End state road maintenance" sign.

Strawberry fields forever

Check out the green plants growing at the corner of Bixel and Pandora Road. It's hard to believe that June is that far off. These are some of the strawberry plants in the Suter fields.

Beyond Budgeting will sponsor the first-ever "trash into cash" sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, April 17, at Ebenezer Mennonite Church, according to Beth W. Boehr, wealth coach of Beyond Budgeting.

Admission is $1 or the donation of a non-perishable food item to benefit the Bluffton Community Assistance Program.

"The event is similar to a community-wide garage sale, but offers the convenience of being held at one location without the worries of inclement weather, said Boehr.

The students in kindergarten through eighth grade at Trinity Lutheran School, 105 Allen St., Jenera, will perform "No Strings Attached," a musical about the story of Pinocchio, on Friday April 16, at 7 p.m. in the school gym. The production is open to the public.

The Bluffton Presbyterian Church Youth Group will lead worship on
Sunday, April 11, according to Tenna Rhonemus, youth leader.

The service will feature the skit "Don't Bother Me, Lord, I'm Praying" by M.K. Boyle. The youth will provide special music, as well as leading the different areas of the service.

Rev. Lew Vander Naaldwill, pastor, will officiate over the Communion service. Worship begins at 10:15 a.m. and all are welcome to attend.

"You are invited to help the people of English Lutheran Church resurrect an old Easter custom begun by the Greeks in the early centuries of Christianity, sayd Rev. Kevin Mohr, pastor.

On Sunday, April 11, the congregation will celebrate its second annual "Holy Humor Sunday."

Several local piano students from Krysti's Music Studio will perform in a duet recital Sunday, April 11, at 2:30 p.m., at Rockport United Methodist Church, 5505 Rockport Road.

The students have been working on their pieces individually, with their teacher, and with their duet partner.

"Students are excited for the opportunity to play with their peers, and even have a few surprises in store for the audience," said Krysti Schey.
